Digital Humanities Research Collaboration
Sub-project 3b: Teaching
Bringing the fields of Informatics and Arts & Humanities and the Social Sciences together is probably the most crucial aim of this sub-project. Also, setting up a bachelor and master programme in the Digital Humanities will be essential. The targeted audience is people who are interested in working with digital methods within the humanities and social sciences. The most intriguing objective is to involve all the people and institutions involved in the joint project's efforts in teaching DH at the Goettingen campus, based on their research done within their own research projects. This cooperation within research and teaching will be the backbone of the project in general.
You will learn more about how to study the "Digital Humanities" in Göttingen here.
Cooperating institutions and people are:
- Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities (GCDH)
Dr. Frank Fischer (frank.fischer at; Andrea Schneider
- Center for Computational Sciences
Prof. Dr. Eckart Modrow (modrow at; Prof. Dr. Dieter Hogrefe (hogrefe at; Dr. Ansgar Kellner
- Department of German Studies
Prof. Dr. Anke Holler (anke.holler at; Prof. Dr. Gerhard Lauer (gerhard.lauer at
The Herzog August Library in Wolfenbuettel, involved in sub-project 1 with a research project, contributes to this sub-project by their successful scholarship programme.
- Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel (HAB) - Scholarship programme
Dr. Thomas Stäcker (staecker at
© for the photo: Stabsstelle Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen