About GCDH
Digital Humanities (DH) is an area of research, teaching, and development concerned with the intersection of computing and the various disciplines of the Humanities. Although most research questions derive from the Humanities and methods from the computer sciences, it is also inspired by the methods and problems of other disciplines, including the Social Sciences, Computational Linguistics, Biology, Statistics, Political Sciences, and Law. In this sense, Digital Humanities are truly interdisciplinary.
The Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities (GCDH) coordinates, carries out, and further develops cross-faculty and campus-wide research, teaching, and infrastructure activities in the field of Digital Humanities. Beside the University the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities, the Herzog-August-Bibliothek at Wolfenbüttel (HAB), the GWDG, the SUB, and the MPIMMG have been and are partners in this collaboration.
The GCDH was founded in 2011 by Gerhard Lauer and Norbert Lossau to bring forward Digital Humanities at Göttingen University. In the first years (2012-2015) a Lower Saxony DH Research Collaboration (DHFV) was established and a comprehensive research program has been carried out.
In 2015, Caroline Sporleder was appointed as Professor for Digital Humanities at the Institute of Computer Science and took over as Executive Director of the GCDH in April 2016.
Two years later, in August 2018, the Institute for Digital Humanities within the Humanities Faculty was founded by Caroline Sporleder and Martin Langner. Both, the Institute and the Centre, work hand in hand to promote and foster research and teaching in the Digital Humanities at Georg-August University Göttingen and the Göttingen Research Campus.
The GCDH is located in the center of Göttingen, next to the historical building of the SUB and the Paulinerkirche, in the so called Heyne Haus. Please feel welcome to contact us if you have a project in Digital Humanities or a related field at Göttingen.