Past Event Series and Conferences
The Göttingen Dialog in Digital Humanities has established a forum for the discussion of digital methods applied to all areas of the Humanities and Social Sciences, including Classics, Philosophy, History, Literature, Law, Languages, Archaeology and more. The initiative is organised by eTRAP with the involvement of DARIAH.EU.
The dialogs will take place throughout the year in the form of 90-minute seminars. Presentations will be 45 minutes long and delivered in English, followed by 45 minutes of discussion and student participation. Seminars will be advertised weeks in advance via the GDDH mailing list, as well as our Facebook and Twitter accounts.
For more Information have a look at the etrap website
Seminar calendar for 2016/17 at
GDDH Board 2016 (in alphabetical order):
- Camilla Di Biase-Dyson (Georg-August-University Göttingen)
- Marco Büchler (Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities)
- Mariona Coll Ardanuy (Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities)
- Jens Dierkes (Göttingen eResearch Alliance)
- Emily Franzini (Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities)
- Greta Franzini (Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities)
- Francesca Frontini (ILC-CNR, Pisa, Italy)
- Angelo Mario Del Grosso (ILC-CNR, Pisa, Italy)
- Berenike Herrmann (Georg-August-University Göttingen)
- Martin de la Iglesia (Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen)
- Péter Király (Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen)
- Bärbel Kröger (Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities)
- Marion Lamé (CCJ-MMSH-CNRS, France, University and CNR, Italy)
- Mike Mertens (DARIAH.EU)
- Maria Moritz (Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities)
- Gabriela Rotari (Georg-August-University Göttingen)
- Sarah Bowen Savant (Aga Khan University, London, UK)
- Daniel Schüller (RWTH Aachen University)
- Sree Ganesh Thotempudi (DAASI International GmbH)
- Nina Wagenknecht (Georg-August-University Göttingen)
- Jörg Wettlaufer (Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities & Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities)
- Ulrike Wuttke (Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities)
This event is financially supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (No. 01UG1509).
The videos from both semesters are Available here !
The interdisciplinary lecture series "Internet & Society", organised by the Institute of Political Science and the Sociological Research Institute, as part of the Digital Humanities Research Collaboration, explores the social, technological and political interactions of the Internet and society. Here are the links to the lectures that took place at winter semsester 2012/2013 and summer semester 2013. Find the programme here.
The Internet, with its many technical innovations, permeates evermore social areas and allows new social and political practices to emerge. Social media like Facebook and Twitter connectt millions of users by offering multiple forms of computer-based communication and explore new business models that commodify both users and their contents.
As users are increasingly able to generate, publish and disseminate their own content (or, at least, re-mix existing content), the space for collaboration and production of common goods has been extended beyond the confines of the market economy. Examples like Wikipedia and Open Source software have led to speculations on the extension of individual autonomy, freedom, and self-determination in the digital age.
However, information, knowledge, and culture – often celebrated as the building blocks of the “knowledge society” – are also increasingly socially and politically contested and controlled by new gatekeepers (e.g. search engines). Researchers and publishers are debating established forms of knowledge communication and referring to alternative possibilities such as Open Access formats; civil rights campaigners and pirates criticise proposed legislation that compromises hard fought-for democratic principles in order to protect pre-digital business models. Instead activists demand radical changes to copyright laws as well as the recognition of access to the Internet as a new fundamental right.
New and old market shareholders are struggling for supremacy over the Internet’s infrastructure, hardware and software. States want to reaffirm their sovereignty in the global and decentralised digital space, be it to preserve order and security, to try out new technological possibilities for surveillance purposes or to counteract the rapid dissemination of illegal and harmful content, such as child pornography, hate speech or illegal gambling sites.
This thematic richness will be the focus of this public lecture series on “Internet & Society”. We have invited selected expert speakers from Göttingen and beyond who will be leading the discussion with a broad audience. The lectures will be in English or German, depending on the speakers.
The lectures took place on Mondays from 12:15 to 2pm at the Oeconomicum, Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3 (rooms are detailed in the programme). The videos of the lectures are available here.
Webmontag is an informal, non-commercial, and decentrally-organised meeting with the aim of connecting all those who are contributing to the future of the Internet. Inspired by the culture of Silicon Valley, Webmontag started at the end of 2005 in Cologne as an attempt to bring some “Californian sunshine” to Germany. Since then, Webmontag has spread and grown fast: there are now meetings in over 40 cities in Germany and Austria, as well as in Sweden, Silicon Valley and online. As a meeting and focal point for local scenes addressing issues relating to Web 2.0 and internet start-ups, Webmontag has organised over 100 events and attracted over 1,000 participants with positive results.
We feel that a university town like Göttingen is still lacking such an informal forum for people who want to exchange ideas about Web 2.0 and 3.0 in a casual atmosphere. The nearest Webmontag takes place in Hanover, which represents relatively long trip. We hope to attract every Monday at 6:30 pm a lively group here in Göttingen around themes to do with the WWW. The Göttingen Webmontag will take place at the Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities (GCDH, Papendiek 16, opposite the Paulinerkirche). We hope to draw participants of the southern Lower Saxony.
Everyone dealing with Web 2.0/3.0 and related topics and interested in sharing their knowledge and exchanging views are most welcome to participate. Whether you are a inventor, engineer, designer, founder or funder – Webmontag is an opportunity to present your new product, service, start-up, or the next great idea to a continuously growing audience of web enthusiasts. Relevant topics are deliberately encompassing and explicitly include neighbouring and fringe areas. Some keywords often associated with Webmontag are:
Accessibility, Aggregation, Ajax, API, Attention, Atom, Barrierefreiheit, Citizen Journalism, Collaboration, Copyleft, Copyright, Coworking, Creative Commons, Design, Digital Rights/Restrictions Management, Django, DRM, E-Democracy, E-Learning, Emerging Technology, Feeds, Flex, FOAF, Folksonomy, Identity, Instant Messaging, Location-based Services, Long Tail, Microformats, Mobile, Multimodal Interactive (Wireless Voice), Open Source, Podcasting, Presence, Privacy, RDF, REST, RFID, RSS, Ruby on Rails, Search, Second Life, Security, Semantic Web, Social Bookmarking, Social Media, Social Networks, Social Software, Spam, Startups, Structured Blogging, Syndication, Tags, Tagging, Turbogears, Usability, Virtual Reality, Vlogging, Video Blogging, Voice over IP (VoIP), Web 2.0, Web 3.0, Weblogs, Web Services, Webdesign, Wikis, Wireless, XFN …
You can find information about the Göttingen Webmontag at the Wiki: ( It would be helpful, if you register your participation for specific dates, in order to plan ahead. Particularly in the beginning, we are encouraging participants to also contribute with short presentations, which you can announce at the Wiki.
We meet every first Monday of a month at 6:30 pm at the GCDH (Heyne-Haus) - dates are announced shortly in advance.
We would be very pleased, if Webmontag catches on in Göttingen. Please spread the word …
Past Meetings
Last meeting took place in February 2015. Have a look at the archive at:

The Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities (GCDH) hosted Göttingen’s first THATCamp in September 2014. The Humanities and Technology Camp (THATCamp) is an informal conference bringing people together who are interested in humanities and technology. As an ‘unconference’ the programme is put together by the participants during the event itself. However, informal does not mean disorganised but hands-on, interactive and of course, fun!
THATCamp Göttingen took place on 22 – 23 September 2014. It was organised as a pre-conference event of the 50th Convention of German Historian’s Historikertag, one of Europe’s largest humanities conferences.
There are many examples of THATCamps that have taken place around the world as well as several in Europe including Luxembourg (2012), Paris (2012), Ghent (2013) and The Hague (2014).
Here are some examples of the types of sessions held at THATCamps:
- Hacking Humanist: a modest introduction to python (@ Paris)
- Coding the humanities (@ The Hague)
More information and documentation (including video recordíng of Foster-Sessions) is available on the THATCampGoettingen website.
We thank the participants of THATCamp Göttingen!
Jörg Wettlaufer and Sally Chambers, on behalf of the Organisation Team
#DigitalHumanities in der Praxis
Ergebnisse aus drei Jahren Forschung und Lehre am Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities
Montag, 1. Juni 2015, SUB Göttingen, 9:00–16:30 Uhr
Nach drei Jahren praktischer Erfahrung mit den Ansätzen und Methoden der Digital Humanities ist es Zeit, zu rekapitulieren. Im Digital-Humanities-Forschungsverbund, der vom Niedersächsischen Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur gefördert wurde, arbeiten Historiker und Philologen, Politologen und Soziologen mit Informationswissenschaftlern und Programmierern zusammen. Zu den direkten Partnern gehören neben der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, der Niedersächsischen Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen und der Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung Göttingen (GWDG) auch die Göttinger Akademie der Wissenschaften, die Wolfenbütteler Herzog August Bibliothek und das Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung multireligiöser und multiethnischer Gesellschaften. Bei der Kooperation geht es um den Aufbau digitaler Ressourcen und deren Nutzung, aber auch um die Etablierung eines DH-Lehrprogramms am Standort.
Die Konferenz findet ganztägig am Montag, 1. Juni 2015, im Alfred Hessel-Saal im Historischen Gebäude der SUB Göttingen statt (Papendiek 14).
Eine Wortwolke der erwähnten Formate, Methoden, Datenquellen und Software würde ungefähr so aussehen: Semantic Web, XML (TEI), RDF, TextGrid, OCR, Wikis, Twitter, Network Analysis, Gephi, Python, Java,, ATLAS.ti, GIS, imeji, ... Das technologische Know-how und die verschiedenen Datengrundlagen dienen dabei immer dazu, die geisteswissenschaftliche Forschung zu unterstützen. Die einzelnen Vorträge bieten dementsprechend ergebnisorientierte Einblicke in die verschiedenen Teilprojekte. Deutlich wird dabei, wie durch gemeinsame Probleme und Lösungsansätze beim Umgang mit digitalen Daten die Kooperation über Fächergrenzen hinweg auf neue Weisen möglich ist. Die Praktiken der Digital Humanities befinden sich in einer lebendigen Entwicklung; dabei helfen sie, neuartige geisteswissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu generieren, die den Fachdisziplinen zugespielt werden können und neue Fragen und Antworten liefern.
Die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung ist kostenfrei und steht für alle Interessierten offen. Sie richtet sich dabei insbesondere an Lehrende und Studierende am Göttingen Campus, die Einblicke in die digitale Forschung am Standort gewinnen möchten. Aber auch auswärtige Zuhörer sind herzlich willkommen. Die Konferenzsprache ist (zumeist) Deutsch. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Frank Fischer (frank.fischerzentr.uni-goettingende).
Zeit | Vortrag |
9:00 | Gerhard Lauer (Uni Göttingen, Germanistik) / Frank Fischer (Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities): |
9:30 | Martin Langner (Uni Göttingen, Archäologie): |
10:00 | Jörg Wettlaufer (Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen): |
10:30 | Dario Kampkaspar (Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel): |
11:30 | Yana Breindl / Andreas Busch (Uni Göttingen, Politikwissenschaft): |
12:00 | Marco Schmitt (Soziologisches Forschungsinstitut Göttingen): |
12:30 | Susanne Friese (Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung multireligiöser und multiethnischer Gesellschaften): |
14:00 | Fabian Cremer (Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung multireligiöser und multiethnischer Gesellschaften): |
14:30 | Oliver Schmitt (Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung Göttingen) / Fabian Cremer (Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen): |
15:00 | Andrea Schneider (Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities) / Ansgar Kellner (Uni Göttingen, Informatik): |
15:30 | Ele Kraft (Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities): |
16:00 | Frank Fischer (Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities): |