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Past Events – 2013

Marco Schmitt

, 12:15 pm to

Offenheit ist seit jeher eine Grundbedingung funktionierender Wissenschaft. Die Veröffentlichung wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse, die freie Auswahl wissenschaftlicher Problemstellungen und Lösungswege und der offene Zugang für jedermann zu diesen Ergebnissen, Problemen und Lösungswegen bilden Kernelemente wissenschaflichen Erkenntnisfortschritts. Gleichzeitig gehören zur wissenschaflichen Arbeit aber auch Schließungsprozesse, die mit der Selektion hoher Qualität und der Ausdifferenzierung von immer mehr wissenschaftlichen Fachgemeinschaften und ihren eigenen Sprachen, Konzepten, Methoden, Denk- und Publikationsweisen zu tun haben. Offenheit als Ausgangspunkt und Schließung als Prozess bilden einen Widerspruch, der heute häufig durch einen Rückgriff auf den Diversitätsbegriff bearbeitet wird. Während die Frage nach einer angemessenen und notwendigen Diversität häufig im Zusammenhang mit den neuen Governance-Modellen der Wissenschaft gestellt wird, haben auch die zahlreichen wissenschaftsbezogenen Internettechnologien einen erheblichen Einfluss. Dies ist insbesondere deshalb interessant, weil das Internet ebenfalls einer Debatte um Offenheit und Schließung ausgesetzt ist. Dabei wird deutlich, dass es um dominante Ausrichtungen der technologischen Weiterentwicklung geht. Während relevanzbasierte Technologien wie Suchmaschinen und Networking-Seiten Schließungstendenzen zu befördern scheinen, nutzen eine ganze Reihe von Technologien "Wisdom of the Crowds"-Ansätze, um Austausch, Transparenz und Beteiligunschancen zu erhöhen. Mit dem Konzept der wissenschaftlichen Internetnutzungs- und Publikationsstile, sollen unterschiedliche mögliche Entwicklungslinien aufgezeigt werden, die Öffnungs- oder Schließungstendenzen für die Wissenschaft implizieren.

2013 DARIAH-DE International Digital Humanities Summer School


A one-week crash course in using the scripting language Python and its Natural Language Toolkit to perform in-depth computational analysis of digital texts.

Application Deadline June 14, 2013

The first DARIAH-DE International DH Summer School will be hosted by the Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities in Göttingen from August 19-23, 2013. The week-long summer school will focus on digital textual analysis with the Python programming language. The instructors will be Mike Kestemont from the University of Antwerp and Lars Wieneke from the CVCE. A short summary plan for the summer school can be found here. The summer school is aimed primarily at Ph.D. and post-doctoral researchers and others with advanced knowledge of humanities research. The language of instruction and discussion will be English.

If you are interested in applying for the summer school, please send the following 3 documents to mmunson[at] before the application deadline of June 14, 2013:

There are also a limited number of small stipends to cover hotel costs that will be made available to participants who are Ph.D. or Masters students. If you would like to apply for one of these, please indicate that when you send in your other materials. We will inform those have been awarded these stipends after the decisions have been made.

Information about hotel accomodations will be made available in the coming weeks.

If you have any questions about the summer school, feel free to contact Matthew Munson at mmunson[at]

ATLAS.ti Workshop

, 10:00 am to

Analyse von Archivdaten am Fallbeispiel einer Arbeitssoziologischen Studie aus den 1980er Jahren

Wann: 08. Mai, 2013, 10 – 17 Uhr
Wo: SOFI, Friedländer Weg 31, Göttingen, Bibliothek

10:00 – 11:30


11:45 - 13:00


14:00 - 15:30


15:45 - 17:00

Vortrag "Der nieders. Digital Humanities Forschungsverbund"

, 4:15 pm to

Dr. Jörg Wettlaufer, "Der niedersächsische Digital Humanities Forschungsverbund. Mission, Teilprojekte und Angebote an die Geisteswissenschaften in Göttingen" KWZ, R. 0.609

Dr. Jörg Wettlaufer, "Der niedersächsische Digital Humanities Forschungsverbund. Mission, Teilprojekte und Angebote an die Geisteswissenschaften in Göttingen" im Rahmen des Landeshist. Kolloquiums des Instituts für Landesforschung der Universität Göttingen, Kulturwiss. Zentrum (KWZ), Raum 0.609. Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Arnd Reitemeier, Tel: 0551 - 39 21213

Prof. Lilian Edwards: A race to the bottom, middle or top? Reforming EU data protection law"

, 12:15 pm to

Privacy is big news nowadays. In Europe, the progress of the draft Data Protection Rgulation has attracted more lobbyist attention from the US, government and industry than any EU instrument in living memory. Even In the US, where historically privacy's importance has been downplayed, the populace is aghast at the recent PRISM revelations that the main web2.0 players have been sharing the details of our lives with the NSA, US and EU citizens alike.

The key question for privacy scholars of the last 10 years is whether the "notice and choice" approach taken by DP law in Europe and in less concrete form globally by the OECD Privacy Principles and FIPPs can truely still protect user privacy in the digital and networked world. This paper will argue that it cannot. First, the notion of consent ("choice") has become so illusory in the online environment as to be more a hindrance than a help. Second, in the age of the Internet of Things - ambient computing - little or no opportunity will be given to make choices anyway. Thirdly, the notion of purpose limitation("notice") will increasingly become defunct in the age of Big Data and its surrounding economic and policy incentives. Some partial solutions to these issues will be proffered - regulated contracts; regulated defaults; control of use rather than collection of data; but without a great deal of hope!

Dr. Seda Gürses: " Two Tales of Privacy in Online Social Networks"

, 12:15 pm to

Privacy is one of the friction points that emerges when communications get mediated in Online Social Networks (OSNs). Different communities of computer science researchers have framed the ‘OSN privacy problem’ as one of surveillance, institutional or social privacy. In tackling these problems they have also treated them as if they were independent. We argue that the different privacy problems are entangled and that research on privacy in OSNs would benefit from a more holistic approach. During my talk, I will first provide an introduction to the surveillance and social privacy perspectives in computer science emphasizing the narratives that inform them, as well as their assumptions, goals and methods. I will then juxtapose the differences between these two approaches in order to understand their complementarity, and to identify potential integration challenges as well as research questions that so far have been left unanswered.

Seda Gürses is a researcher working in the group COSIC/ESAT ( at the Department of Electrical Engineering in K. U. Leuven, Belgium. Her topics of interest include privacy technologies, participatory design, requirements engineering, feminist critique of computer science, and online social networks. She is the coordinator of the interdisciplinary project “Security and Privacy in Social Networks” (SPION) supported by the Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology (IWT) in Belgium. In the past, she has participated as a researcher in two EU projects “Trusted Architecture for Securely Shared Services” (TAS³) and “Global Identity Networking of Individuals” (GINI) where she contributed with research on privacy and security requirements engineering.You can find more information about her dwellings here:

Andreas Jungherr: "Das Internet im Wahlkampf: Beispiele zu Kampagnenfunktionen und Wirkungsmechanismen aus den USA und Deutschland"

, 12:15 pm to

Die aktuelle Diskussion über die Rolle des Internets in Wahlkämpfen beschränkt sich in der Regel darauf, die erfolgreiche Nutzung des Internets in den Wahlkämpfen Barack Obamas mit der weniger erfolgreichen Nutzung des Internets in Wahlkämpfen von Kandidaten in anderen politischen, rechtlichen, kulturellen und historischen Kontexten zu vergleichen. Dieser Vergleich, den man als Amerikanisierung 2.0 bezeichnen könnte, verstellt jedoch den Blick auf die tatsächlichen Potentiale des Internets für Kampagnen außerhalb der USA, da die Vergleichskategorie – Erfolg im Internet – zu stark von spezifischen Rahmenbedingungen der Obama-Kampagnen in den USA der Jahre 2008 und 2012 abhängt.

Um die Potentiale des Internets für Wahlkämpfer in Deutschland zu verstehen, ist es notwendig differenziert über die Funktionen des Internets für politische Kampagnen nachzudenken. Hierbei bietet sich die Analyse von drei Funktionsweisen an:

1. Internetdienste als Werkzeuge, um die Sichtbarkeit des politischen Akteurs und seiner Inhalte im Informationsraum Internet zu unterstützen;
2. Die Unterstützung der Infrastruktur einer politischen Kampagne durch digitale Werkzeuge und das Internet;
3. Die symbolische Sichtbarmachung von politischer Unterstützung und des Momentums von Kampagnen und die damit verbundene Möglichkeit, darauf folgender Berichterstattung traditioneller Medien.

Die Potentiale dieser Funktionsweisen sind jeweils abhängig von den spezifischen politischen, rechtlichen, kulturellen und historischen Kontexten in denen Kampagnen und Kandidaten agieren. Sie können sich je nach Kandidat, Partei oder Land unterscheiden. In dem folgenden Vortrag werden diese Funktionen des Internets für politische Kampagnen an den Beispielen der Präsidentschaftskampagnen Barack Obamas und deutscher Wahlkämpfe diskutiert.

Die Veranstaltung findet im OEC 0.167 statt.

Prof. Lucie Guibault: "Intellectual property rights' obstructions to text and data mining"

, 12:15 pm to

In the last few years, collections of digital text have strongly increased in number, especially in the field of humanities. Digital libraries of full-text documents, including digital editions of literary texts, are emerging as environments for the production, the management and the dissemination of complex annotated corpora. The potential of Text and Data Mining (TDM) technology is enormous. If encouraged, TDM can become an everyday tool used for the discovery of knowledge, to create significant benefits for industry, citizens and governments. Because TDM involves certain acts of reproduction and communication to the public of (parts of) the texts in the collections, the enforcement of copyright and database rights in the collections may constitute a serious obstacle to the use of this new technology for the benefit of science. The intellectual property implications of the use of TDM has been brought to the fore at the European level, where TDM was declared one of the four topics needing further discussion in the context of the structured stakeholder dialogue led by the European Commission.

The presentation will explain how copyright and database rights can be used to restrict TDM and how discussions are evolving on this issue at the European level.

Lucie Guibault is professor at the Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam.

The talk will take place at the Großer Seminarraum der SUB, Platz der Göttinger Sieben 1.

Webmontag / DH Stammtisch

, 6:30 pm to

Heyne Haus, Seminarraum 1, siehe unter

Der Webmontag ist ein gemütliches Treffen von Web-Enthusiasten (Es gibt Bier und Cola zum Selbstkostenpreis). Wir halten uns gegenseitig kurze Vorträge und diskutieren. Vor allem wollen wir die Web-Szene in Göttingen stärker vernetzen und uns gegenseitig kennen lernen. Neben der technischen Seite sind auch die sozialen und politischen Implikationen des WWW Themen, die gemeinsam diskutiert werden können Mehr Informationen

Prof. Mike Thelwall: "Expressing Sentiment in Social Media: Twitter, YouTube and Social Network Sites"

, 12:15 pm to

This talk will describe methods to detect sentiment strength in social web texts using the free software SentiStrength and describe its application to social science research problems through sentiment analysis of text in the social web. SentiStrength gives researchers a fast way to detect sentiment and therefore makes it possible to run large scale analyses of texts to detect patterns of sentiment changes over time and across different contexts. The talk will describe an investigation into millions of tweets during a single month to detect sentiment changes associated with major events, an analysis of comments on a large collection of YouTube videos, and a study of sentiment-related homophily in online social networks.

Die Veranstaltung findet im OEC 0.211 statt.

Prof. Ralph Schroeder: "Digital Transformations of Knowledge"

, 12:15 pm to

Im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung "Internet & Gesellschaft" hat Prof. Dr. Ralph Schroeder vom Oxford Internet Institute einen Vortrag zum Thema "Digital Transformations of Knowledge" gehalten. Die Slides der Präsentation erhalten sie hier.

In recent years, there has been a proliferation of research projects and programmes under the labels of e-Science, e-Humanities, cyberinfrastructures, and e-Infrastructures. The broader term ‘e-Research’ encompasses all of these, and can be defined in shorthand form as: distributed and collaborative digital tools and data for online knowledge production. These digital approaches have transformed knowledge and reconfigured disciplines; especially the relation between computer science and other fields, but also more fundamentally between scientific approaches and others that are less scientific. Recently, ‘big data’ is adding to these transformations. This talk will present a wide range of case studies in this area, to ask about the consequences of e-Research and related changes - for scholarship, and for how we understand the world around us: what kinds of new disintermediations and intermediations are taking place between the knower and the objects of knowledge, and how can we understand these changes from a sociological perspective?

Datum: Montag, 11.02.2013
Uhrzeit: 12:15 - 13.45 Uhr
Ort: Oeconomicum 0.211

Dr. René König: "Cyberscience 2.0: Wissenschaft im Kontext digitaler sozialer Netzwerke"

, 12:15 pm to

Die Veranstaltung findet im OEC 0.167 statt.

Marco Schmitt: "Offene Wissenschaft oder geschlossene Gemeinschaften: Internettechnologien und wissenschaftliche Diversität"

, 12:15 pm to

Offenheit ist seit jeher eine Grundbedingung funktionierender Wissenschaft. Die Veröffentlichung wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse, die freie Auswahl wissenschaftlicher Problemstellungen und Lösungswege und der offene Zugang für jedermann zu diesen Ergebnissen, Problemen und Lösungswegen bilden Kernelemente wissenschaflichen Erkenntnisfortschritts. Gleichzeitig gehören zur wissenschaflichen Arbeit aber auch Schließungsprozesse, die mit der Selektion hoher Qualität und der Ausdifferenzierung von immer mehr wissenschaftlichen Fachgemeinschaften und ihren eigenen Sprachen, Konzepten, Methoden, Denk- und Publikationsweisen zu tun haben. Offenheit als Ausgangspunkt und Schließung als Prozess bilden einen Widerspruch, der heute häufig durch einen Rückgriff auf den Diversitätsbegriff bearbeitet wird. Während die Frage nach einer angemessenen und notwendigen Diversität häufig im Zusammenhang mit den neuen Governance-Modellen der Wissenschaft gestellt wird, haben auch die zahlreichen wissenschaftsbezogenen Internettechnologien einen erheblichen Einfluss. Dies ist insbesondere deshalb interessant, weil das Internet ebenfalls einer Debatte um Offenheit und Schließung ausgesetzt ist. Dabei wird deutlich, dass es um dominante Ausrichtungen der technologischen Weiterentwicklung geht. Während relevanzbasierte Technologien wie Suchmaschinen und Networking-Seiten Schließungstendenzen zu befördern scheinen, nutzen eine ganze Reihe von Technologien "Wisdom of the Crowds"-Ansätze, um Austausch, Transparenz und Beteiligunschancen zu erhöhen. Mit dem Konzept der wissenschaftlichen Internetnutzungs- und Publikationsstile, sollen unterschiedliche mögliche Entwicklungslinien aufgezeigt werden, die Öffnungs- oder Schließungstendenzen für die Wissenschaft implizieren.

Der Vortrag findet im Oeconomicum, Raum 0.167 statt.



, 6:30 pm to

The next Web Monday will take place on Monday, 6 May 2013, 6:30 pm at the Heyne-Haus, Papendiek 16.

Suggestions for presentations can be made at

For more information on the event please see

Ben Wagner: "Zum Abschuss freigegeben: The slow death of Multi-Stakeholderism and the Morning After the End of the current Internet Governance regime"

, 12:15 pm to

Ben Wagner from the Department of Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute, Italy gave a presentation as part of the Lecture Series "Internet and Society". His slides are available here. Video to come at the end of the summer semester.

Multi-stakeholderism is under attack by communities of practice across the world. In the more developed states, security communities are eyeing a way to gain greater control of a data-bonanza while economic interests vie to see what forms of control can make profit or build the next monopoly. In the less developed states non-unreasonable concerns about U.S. control of large parts of the Internet infrastructure have made governments ever more aggressive in trying to contest multi-stakeholder institutions. This is not a new cold war, rather it is the beginning of the slow death of multi-stakeholderism.

Many constituencies around the world and indeed many Internet users have benefited from this model, as they give more power than they would otherwise have or simply left to do what they wanted. However increases in state desires for control the Net after the arab spring and greater interest from the military-industrial complex make its survival highly unlikely in the long term. Most importantly multi-stakeholderism has never seriously answered the legitimacy question. As such it lacks legitimacy as a global institutional norm and is contested by too many communities of practice to be sustainable.

The presentation will challenge listeners to ignore for a second what they know - or think they know - about the acronym-filled goo that is Internet governance and instead re-imagine the Internet they want. What are the principles the Internet should be governed by? Who is competent to develop such principles? What will the morning after the end of the current Internet Governance regime look like? This talk will add a few answers but many more questions to the issues above and looks forward to a lively debate on re-envisioning the Internet.

Ben Wagner is a Researcher at the European University Institute in Florence and currently completing a PhD on the globalised governance of freedom of expression online. He is also a Visiting Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations and Human Rights Watch in Berlin. His research focuses on human rights, digital foreign policy and Internet governance in the Middle East, Europe and North America. In recent years Ben has served as an academic expert for the European Commission, the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UNESCO, the Open Society Institute and the European Parliament.

Digital Text Analysis Working Group: Dr. Norbert Ankenbauer - Paesi novamente retrovati - Newe unbekanthe landte: Erfahrungen bei der digitalen Edition von Entdeckerberichten aus dem 16. Jahrhundert

, 12:00 pm to


Seit nunmehr knapp eineinhalb Jahren arbeite ich in Zusammenarbeit mit der Herzog-August-Bibliothek an einer digitalen Edition der Anthologie Paesi novamente retrovati (Vicenza, 1507) und ihrer zeitgenössischen deutschen Übersetzung. Die Edition enthält neben Faksimiles und deren Transkriptionen eine umfangreiche Einleitung, eine moderne Übersetzung und kommentierte Orts- und Personenregister. Die beiden Register werden dabei mit einschlägigen Datenbanken verknüpft.

Nach einer kurzen Vorstellung des Textkorpus und der Auseinandersetzung mit der Frage nach dem Mehrwert einer digitalen Edition werde ich insbesondere auf die Probleme eingehen, mit denen ich mich bisher bei der Editionsarbeit konfrontiert sah: Von der Zeichenebene angefangen bis zu den Weiten des Web 2.0 waren bzw. sind immer wieder neue Klippen zu umschiffen.

Abschließend werde ich noch auf mögliche Nutzungen und Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten des Projekts eingehen.

Presentation slides to come.

Java Liferay Portal Workshop

, 2:00 pm to

Termin: Freitag, den 17.05.2013, 14:00 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr

Ort: Kursraum der GWDG
GWDG Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen
Am Faßberg 11, 37077 Göttingen
Ziel auf Google-Maps:

Moderation: Herrn Christof Pohl (GWDG), Leiter der Entwicklung "GWDG-Portal" und Oliver Schmitt (GWDG), TP3a Infrastruktur

Anmeldung: Oliver Schmitt

1.) Einführung in Web-Portal-Techniken und Prinzipien am Beispiel Java Liferay
2.) Vorgehensweisen und Strategien zur Integration verschiedener Systeme zu einer einheitlichen Weboberfläche mit Liferay
3.) Getting Started mit Liferay. Wie beginnt man die Entwicklung?
4.) Experten-Fragestunde und Diskussion

Virtuelle Maschinen und Computer werden vor Ort bereitgestellt, sodass kein eigener Laptop mitgebracht werden muss.


, 6:30 pm to

The next Web Monday will take place on Monday, 8 April 2013, 6:30 pm (please notice the new timing!) at the Heyne-Haus, Papendiek 16.

At the moment two presentations are scheduled:

Additional suggestions can be made at

For more information on the event please see

Presentation: The Digital Edition of the Coptic-Sahidic Old Testament

, 10:00 am to

Presentation at workshop on digital Coptic research at Humboldt University (Berlin)

GCDH Board of Directors member Prof. Heike Behlmer and GCDH Coordinator Juan Garcés will be presenting a project proposal about a digital edition of the Coptic-Sahidic Old Testament. The presentation will be held at a workshop on Digital Coptic Research at the Humbold University in Berlin, organised by Carrie Schroeder (University of the Pacific) and Amir Zeldes (Humboldt University, Berlin) to esblish an internatonal working group to focus on Digital Coptic Research.

Lecture: Digital LXX Research

, 9:00 am to , 4:00 pm

Lecture in honour of Peter Nagel's 75th birthday

3 April 2013 marks the 75th birthday of esteemed Coptic Studies expert Prof. Dr Dr Peter Nagel. There will be a Conference in celebration of his life's work on 26 und 27 April 2013 at the Coptic Orthodox Monastery Brenkhausen on the topic of the Coptic Septuagint.

Juan Garcés will be presenting a paper titled "Die Erben der (Zweiund)Siebzig im 21. Jahrhundert: Das Potential digitaler Forschung der LXX von der Datenerschließung zur Analyse" ("The heirs of the Seventy(two) in the 21st century: the potential of digital research of the LXX from data to analysis").

Lecture: Digitising Codex Sinaiticus

, 2:00 pm to , 12:30 pm

Lecture at "Digital Humanities Lausanne"

Workshop: Advanced Methods in Multispectral Imaging

A workshop organised by the FoLL Project "Biblical Manuscripts in the Digital Age" and the PALAMEDES Project

The Workshop will take place at the Historical Building at the Lower Saxon State and University Library in Göttingen, Papendiek 14.

For further information, please contact Felix Albrecht <ed.negnitteog-inu.eigoloeht@thcerbla.xilef>.

Workshop "Soziale Netzwerkanalyse – Grundlagen und Interpretation"

Termin: 03.04.2013, 11.00–18.30 Uhr

Ort: voraussichtlich Seminarraum 2, Heyne-Haus, Papendiek 16

Anmeldung: marco.mschmitt(at)

Teilnehmerzahl: 5-20 Personen

Kursinhalt: Der Workshop bietet eine Einführung in die grundlegenden Konzepte der sozialen Netzwerkanalyse. Vorgestellt und erprobt werden insbesondere die graphentheoretischen Grundlagen, Maßzahlen für gesamte Netzwerke (Dichte, Kohärenz, Diversität), Maßzahlen für. einzelne Knoten (verschiedene Formen der Zentralität und strukturelle Äquivalenz), sowie die Verdichtung von Netzwerken durch Blockmodelle. Diese Konzepte werden an zwei Beispielen erprobt, um die Möglichkeiten der Interpretation dieser Maßzahlen einzuüben. Das erste Beispiel bezieht sich auf ein klassisches soziales Netzwerk zwischen Personen in einer Organisation und das zweite Beispiel auf ein bibliometrisches Netzwerk zwischen wissenschaftlichen Artikeln. Ziel des Workshops ist es in grundlegende Konzepte der sozialen Netzwerkanalyse einzuführen und die praktische Arbeit mit den so gewonnenen Maßzahlen einzuüben, um so eine selbstständige Forschung mit den Methoden der Netzwerkanalyse zu ermöglichen.

Der Dozent: Der Kurs wird von Dr. Marco Schmitt, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Soziologie der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen und am Göttinger Centre for Digital Humanities (GCDH) durchgeführt. Er arbeitet seit vielen Jahren mit netzwerkanalytischen Methoden, Simulation von dynamischen Netzwerken und soziologischer Netzwerktheorie. Seine aktuelle Forschung bezieht sich auf die Veränderung wissenschaftlicher Kommunikationsnetzwerke durch die neuen Technologien des E-Research.


Dr. Stéphanie Wojcik: "Online Political Participation"

, 12:15 pm to

Im Rahmen der interdisziplinären Vortragsreihe "Internet & Gesellschaft" wird Stéphanie Wojcik von der Université Paris Est einen Vortrag zum Thema "Exploring the role of online political expression for political participation. The case of the French webcampaign in 2012" halten.

Datum: Montag, 22.04.2013
Uhrzeit: 12:15 - 13.45 Uhr
Ort: Oeconomicum 0.211

Stéphanie Wojcik
Ph. D in political science; lecturer in communication studies
University of Paris Est Créteil / CEDITEC (France)
Department of political and public communication

During the last presidential campaign in France, all political parties have set up numerous online devices allowing people to take part in the campaign either online or in more traditional face-to-face modes (e.g. canvassing, meetings,...). Besides their presence on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, their campaign websites, in private spaces for which a registration is needed, provide campaign material, give advice and suggest actions so that the ideas of their candidate could be widely disseminated online or not. Political parties also proposed to their sympathizers many contents to share or to create themselves (e.g. online video, infographies, ...) or to comment broadcast events such as TV debates between candidates through the use of hashtags on Twitter. However, the ideas of a political "supply" and a "demand" are actually challenged by the development of the internet and the Web 2.0. Citizens can now contribute to the production of political discourses and to the campaigns on a more daily and intense basis. The presentation will deal with two main questions: 1. Are the tools proposed by political parties really used or would people prefer to talk politics or campaign in spaces which were not designed by political parties? 2. What is the meaning of these forms of online political expression? Are they linked with offline political participation and with positive perceptions of politics? We will be presenting some preliminary results from a survey carried out after the second ballot with French internet users who have taken part in the campaign.

Stéphanie Wojcik holds a PhD in political science (2005) and is Lecturer in information and communication sciences in the department of political and public communication at the University of Paris Est Créteil (UPEC) and member of the CEDITEC, since 2008. She previously completed a post-doctorate in the Department of Political Science at the University of Oxford (2007-2008). Her work focuses on digital practices of political participation through the study of a variety of devices (participatory budgeting, consultation procedures) in France and throughout Europe.
With Gérard Loiseau she founded in 2002 the research network “Electronic Democracy” (DEL) for which she is currently co-responsible. Since 2009, she is also vice-chair of the research committee “electronic democracy” (RC10) of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) and member of the Standing Group “Internet & Politics” of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR).
Since 2008, she has participated in various collective research such as “Formats de l’expression citoyenne dans les procédures locales de concertation : Une comparaison européenne” under the scientific responsibility of Laurence Monnoyer-Smith, within the Concertation, Decision Environment 2 (2008-2011) programme of the Ministry of Ecology. She is currently involved in an international research project “ Strategies, contents and perceptions of the political uses of the Web during election campaigns. The case of the French Presidential election and the Quebec legislative campaign” under the scientific responsibility of Fabienne Greffet and Thierry Giasson, funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) and the Quebec Research Fund Society and Culture (FRQSC).
She is member of the editorial board of the journal Participations. She co-edited the book Le profane en politique. Compétences et engagements du citoyen (L’Harmattan, coll. « Logiques politiques », 2008), as well the special issue of the Réseaux journal “Parler politique en ligne” (with F. Greffet, No. 150, 2008) and the International Journal of Electronic Governance : “Users and uses of electronic governance” (with G. Moss, vol. 2, No. 4, December 2009).

She tweets on her behalf (@stephaniewojcik), and on behalf of the DEL network (@reseauDEL).

Susanne Friese: Proposing a new method for computer-assisted qualitative data analysis (Webinar)

, 7:00 pm to

In this webinar, hosted by the University of Alberta's International Institute for Qualitative Methodology, Susanne Friese describes the analytic approach called “Computer-assisted N-C-T analysis”.

In Susanne's experience working with CAQDAS users, she has found that it is easier said than done to adapt analysis methods that have been developed and described for manual ways of handling data to a software environment. It is not uncommon for users to get frustrated and blame the software because it does not suit their needs; they feel lost and overwhelmed by the many codes they have created and don’t know what the next steps should be. They return to what is more familiar - Word and Excel tables or stacks of paper. In this webinar join Susanne as she describes, based on having used CAQDAS for over 20 years, the analytic approach called “Computer-assisted N-C-T analysis” which she has developed.

Registration closed

See video at

Dr. Susanne Friese: Consultant and Managing Director of Qualitative Research & Consulting (QUARC). Dr. Friese began her academic career at the University of Bonn studying Nutrition and Home Economics. After a second pre-diploma specializing in the area of home economics, she continued her studies at the University of Oregon in the USA finishing with a Master of Science in Family Resource Management and Marketing. Writing her Master Thesis, she discovered her interest in qualitative research method and computer-assisted procedures for data analysis.

She started working with computer software for qualitative data analysis in 1992. Her initial contact with CAQDAS tools was from 1992 to 1994, as she was employed at QualisResearch in the USA. In following years, she worked with the CAQDAS Project in England (1994 – 1996), where she taught classes on The Ethnograph and Nud*ist. Two additional software programs, MAXQDA and ATLAS.ti, followed shortly.

During her dissertation in the area of consumer economics and in her subsequent position as an assistant professor at the institute of marketing at the Copenhagen Business School in Denmark she carried out a variety of research projects using both qualitative and quantitative methods. In that context, SPSS computer software was used to analyze quantitative data; ATLAS.ti supported her work with qualitative material.

From 2004 to 2011, Dr. Friese taught qualitative and quantitative research methods in the Sociology Department at Leibniz Universität Hannover. In addition, she has accompanied numerous projects around the world in a consulting capacity, authored didactic materials and is one of the principal contributors to the ATLAS.ti User's Manual, sample projects and other documentations. Recently her book "Qualitative Data Analysis with ATLAS.ti" was published (SAGE publications).

Webmontag Göttingen

, 7:00 pm to

Juan Garces: Bedeutet Big Data den Tod des Theoretikers? Zu einem kürzlich veröffentlichten Artikel im Wired Magazine” (

Jakob Voss: Describing data patterns: a general deconstruction of metadata standards. Kurze Vorstellung der Dissertation.

Ort: Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities (GCDH), Heyne-Haus, Papendiek 16

Mehr Informationen gibt es hier

Digital Text Analysis Working Group: Dr. Gabriel Viehhauser "Using Phylogenetic Analysis Methods to Produce Digital Editions"

, 12:00 pm to


In Biology, phylogenetic methods are used for the study of evolutionary relationships among groups of organisms. I will talk about possible applications of these methods in digital editions, using material from the 'Parzival'-project, a project of an edition of the medieval 'Parzival'-romance, in which I have been working in for a couple of years at the university of Berne. I will argue why the notion of unrooted trees is particularly useful for the visualisation of medieval text traditions and I will walk through the steps that are necessary to do such a phylogenetic analysis, showing that there are still some problems to be solved in practical work.

Kepa Rodriguez, "Multilingual and Semantic Search and Indexing in the EHRI Project"

, 11:00 am to

Digital Text Analysis Working Group
Meeting of the GCDH Digital Text Analysis Working Group, Heyne Haus Seminarraum 1


Metadata records stored in the metadata registry of the EHRI project ( <> ) are highly multilingual. Not only because metadata records are written in different languages, but because at the same time more than a language can be present inside of the same metadata record without any language coding mark-up.

In this talk I will present how the EHRI project addresses the problem of multilinguality of the data in the information retrieval process with emphasis in the use of domain knowledge, control vocabularies and ontologies in the indexing process. Finally I will give some hints about a semantic enrichment strategy in the query time, which is helpful to extend the results of the search.

Presentation Slides: PDF

Roundtable Discussion, How Can We Move from Digital Resources to Digital Research?

, 5:00 pm to

Informal roundtable discussion, Heyne Haus, Papendiek 16, Seminarraum 1

Digital Humanities often claims that it allows humanists to answer old questions better and to ask and answer new questions that are impossible without digital tools. And yet there is also an undercurrent of thought in digital humanities that we have produced few, if any, discipline-changing research results in any area. The purpose of this roundtable discussion will be to discuss what we as humanists need to have and need to do in order to produce such results that are widely recognized as excellent and important. Do we need more digital resources? More infrastructure? More tools? More time? Or something completely different?

Digital Text Analysis Working Group: Dr. Jörg Wettlaufer and Sree Ganesh Thotempudi "Named Entity Recognition in Historical Corpora. Lessons learned so far…"

, 12:00 pm to


NER is a basic technology for knowledge extraction from texts. It is, however, far from being a standardized procedure for historical text corpora. We would like to present the results of our several-month endeavour to identify persons, places, technical terms, and dates in an 18th century manual of natural history by means of list- and rule-based approaches.

Presentation Slides

Humboldt-Lecture 2013, Prof. Dr. Greg Crane, "Germany and the Humanities in the 21st Century"

The University of Göttingen and the Regional Group Göttingen/Kassel of the ‘Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer’ kindly invite you to the “Humboldt-Lecture 2013” which from now on will take place once every year. The Humboldt-Lecture will be presented by scientists who have been awarded an Alexander von Humboldt-Professorship.

The “Humboldt-Lecture 2013” will be given by Prof. Dr. Gregory Ralph Crane from the University of Leipzig:

Germany and the Humanities in the 21st Century

The Digital Humanities have emerged as a popular topic -- in part because researchers have begun to do interesting work applying digital technology to traditional tasks of teaching and research but also in large measure because there is a deep curiosity as to how the humanities will adapt to what is already a digital age. The grand challenge that faces this generation of humanists is not how to do better what they were doing in the twentieth century but to rethink the fundamental goals of the humanities in the light of new challenges and possibilities within a digital space. In this context, Germany occupies a position that is unique and potentially of immense, perhaps decisive, importance.

Wednesday, 23rd of October 2013, 6.30 pm
Alfred Hessel Saal, Paulinerkirche Papendiek 14, 37073 Göttingen

If you would like to attend, please fill out the following form and return it before October 17, 2013:
Invitation and Registration Form

CANCELLED - Digital Text Analysis Working Group

, 11:00 am to

CANCELLED because of Herrenhausen Conference

Prof. Hugh Craig, "Middle-distance Reading with Information-theory Metrics"

, 6:00 pm to

Prof. Hugh Craig, from the University of Newcastle in Australia, will give a talk in conjunction with the "Stylometry with R" workshop in Seminarraum 1 in the Heyne Haus.

"A gulf has opened up between the mainstream methods of literary studies -- involving a mixture of a more or less close reading of a limited group of whole works, together with reading or scanning shorter samples, and consulting other scholars' commentaries -- and distant reading, which uses quantitative textual or bibliometric data, where there is in effect no limit to the works included, and where in principle projects may be completed without any reading at all. In this paper I offer an example of a middle way in which some distant reading methods are used, but where the corpus focuses on a specific form and period, and where the smaller scale provides the opportunity to compare the statistical results with existing commentary, and with fresh readings of the texts or parts of them, directed by the patterns that are highlighted by the tests."

Full Abstract

DigiTAWG: Dr. J. Berenike Herrmann, "Computing Kafka. What corpus-stylistic measures can tell us about Kafka’s prose"

, 2:00 pm to

"Computing Kafka. What corpus-stylistic measures can tell us about Kafka’s prose"


This talk presents the first steps in a larger project investigating Franz Kafka’s prose by means of a range of digital methods. In my presentation, I will report the results of two kinds of measures, keyword and collocation (lexical bundle) analysis, linking them back to the state of the art in “traditional” philological Kafka research.

In particular, the presentation will show how keyword analysis renders quantitatively obtained insight about the propositional content and particular stylistic features of Kafka’s novels (America, The Trial, and The Castle) before the backdrop of a large reference corpus ( Since keyword analysis operates on single words only, it is somewhat limited in terms of the examination of textual structures. I hence examine frequently occurring lexical bundles (Ngrams) as well to complement the keyword analysis. Both methods complement each other in one of the first quantitative probes into Kafka’s style of writing.

Presentation Slides

GCDH, Papendiek 16, Seminarraum 2

Prof: Hugh Craig: "Novelty carries it away" - Collective change in the language of English drama from the 1590s to the 1610s

, 2:00 pm to

Prof. Hugh Craig, University of Newcastle, will give a talk entitled '"Novelty carries it away": Collective change in the language of English drama from the 1590s to the 1610s' at the Digital Text Analysis Working Group on Tuesday, July 16, from 14:00-16:00 at the GCDH, Heyne-Haus, Papendiek 16, Seminarraum 1.


At a deep structural level – in the use of pronouns, auxiliary verbs, common adverbs and so on -- the language of English drama changes rapidly between the early 1590s and the first part of the first decade of the seventeenth century, and then more slowly between the latter period and the early 1610s. These broad collective changes transcend author and genre and provide an unfamiliar and sometimes revealing context for individual plays of the various periods. They also prompt new questions about the relationship between changes in English generally and changes in the language of drama in Early Modern England.


, 7:00 pm to

Auf dem Programm stehen dieses Mal u.a. Beiträge zur neuen Bibframe Initiative und zum Thema Named Entity Recognition (NER).

Heute (Montag, 14. Januar 2013) abend um 19:00 Uhr ist wieder WebMontag im Heyne-Haus. Mit einigen interessanten Vorträgen wollen wir im neuen Jahr durchstarten. Auf dem Programm stehen Beiträge zur neuen Bibframe Initiative und zum Thema Named Entity Recognition (NER). Ausserdem sind alle herzlichen eingeladen, ihre über Weihnachten neu erworbenen Gadgets mitzubringen und ggf. kurz kritisch zu präsentieren. Wie immer freuen wir uns auf Eure Vorschläge für weitere kurze Präsentationen rund um die Themen IT, www & co.

Anmeldung auf XING oder auf der Wiki Seite des Webmontag:

Webmontag/Digital Humanitites Stammtisch

, 6:30 pm to

Der nächste Webmontag/Digital Humanitites Stammtisch findet ab 18:30 im Heyne-Haus, Papendiek 16 statt. Nähere Informationen gibt es hier

Arash Samadi and Ganesh Thotempudi: Report from Linux Tage 2013 and Word Sense Disambiguation

, 11:00 am to

Im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe “Große Entwicklerrunde” der Abteilung Digitale Bibliothek werden Arash Samadi und Ganesh Thotempudi (beide Entwickler im Digital Huamities Forschungsverbund im GCDH) vom Linux Tag 2013 berichten und "Word Sense Disambiguation" vorstellen.

Bericht vom Linux Tag 2013 (Arash Samadi)
Der LinuxTag ist der führende Treffpunkt rund um Linux und Open Source in Europa. Arash Samadi war vom 22. bis zum 25. Mai live vor Ort und berichtet uns von Innovationen, Trends und Basis- sowie Expertenwissen für professionelle Benutzer, Entscheider, Entwickler, Einsteiger und natürlich die Community.

Word Sense Disambiguation – Anusaraka Machine Translation (Ganesh Thotempudi)
Word sense (Titles, Place names and so on) disambiguation is a core problemin many tasks related to Natural language processing. The purpose of WSD isto make computers automatically determine the specific meaning of a word in a specific context. In this regard, state-of-art studies have focused on the cooccurrences of words to measure context similarity. However, a problem withthese approaches is that they consider all the words within a certain rangeto have equal influence on the ambiguous word. In my presentation I would like to share my practical experience and different kinds of methods(ontology, word-net) to overcome these issues with in the contest of Anusaraka Machine Translation system. In this presentation I would like to give a demo on Type-craft (A Language documentation tool) wherewe have implemented this WSD for Endangered languages documentation. Presentation

Alle Interessenten sind herzlich willkommen. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.

Die Veranstaltung findet im Vortragsraum des Historischen Gebäudes der SUB, Papendiek 14, statt

Digital Text Analysis Working Group

, 11:00 am to

Dr. J. Berenike Herrman, "Pinning Down Franz Kafka - Comparative Style Analysis Combining two Quantitative Measures"

Meeting of the GCDH Digital Text Analysis Working Group, Heyne Haus Seminarraum 2


In this presentation, I will report on the results of quantitative analyses of Franz Kafka's literary style using two measures of digital humanities research - keyword analysis and stylometric cluster analysis. I compared a substantial part Kafka's literary prose (~374,000 words / ~50 texts) to a big corpus of German literature (~134,000,000 words / ~93,000 texts), which allowed (a) examining prominent lexico-grammatical features of his writing, as well as (b) approaching the long-held assumption of stylistic singularity in stylometric terms. With regard to the linguistic features, keyword results point towards a prolific use of ambiguous and inconspicuous adverbs that allow undermining the stability of reality in the fictional world when applied across distinct local co-texts. As for the clustering of Kafka's texts among German literature, surprising stylometric results suggesting stylistic similarity with authors of 19th/early 20th Century children's literature such as Johanna Spyri ("Heidi") and Agnes Sapper ("Familie Pfäffling") will be addressed from both content and methodological angles.

Susanne Friese: Computer-assisted qualitative data analysis with ATLAS.ti

, 12:00 pm to

As the members of the Analysis Working Group are mainly familiar with a quantitative tradition of data analysis, this presentation with an overview of what type of data is subjected to qualitative data analysis and what type of analysis approaches exist. My expertise is with computer-assisted analysis based on a code-and-retrieve approach. During the second part of the talk, we will be talked through the main steps of an example analysis using the software tool ATLAS.ti.


Annette Geßner 'GERTRUDE und "Weltliteratur im Zitat" - Biblisches in Schillers Drama "Die Räuber"'

, 2:00 pm to

Zitate, Anspielungen, Parodien, Plagiate, ... - Kaum ein Text ist denkbar ohne den Kontext anderer Texte, aus denen er schöpft, auf die er verweist oder von denen er beeinflusst wurde. Insbesondere die Luther-Bibel hatte im Verlauf der Jahrhunderte einen großen Einfluss auf die großen Werke der deutschen Literatur, auch und insbesondere Werke der sogenannten Weltliteratur.

Im Rahmen des im Sommersemester abgehaltenen Seminars "Weltliteratur im Zitat - Neue computergestützte Wege der Literaturanalyse", sollten die Teilnehmenden lernen, intertextuelle Bezüge zur Luther-Bibel in Friedrich Schillers Drama “Die Räuber” zu finden, zu annotieren und zu bewerten. Unterstützt wurden Sie hierin durch eine eigens für diese Fragestellung angefertigte virtuelle Forschungsumgebung, die im Rahmen des Projektes eTRACES entstanden ist. Zunächst wurde diese als reine Annotations- und Evaluationsumgebung genutzt. Jedoch stellt sich die Frage, inwiefern eine automatische Suche nach textuellen Übereinstimmung hier eine Unterstützung bieten kann bei der Suche nach Intertextualität, oder ob die meisten literarischen Bezüge auf die Bibel überhaupt fassbar sind für einen Computer, der nicht in der Lage ist, "zwischen den Zeilen zu lesen".

Das Treffen soll den Fortschritt im Göttinger Teilprojekt von eTRACES, erste Ergebnisse und Erfahrungen mit dem Tool GERTRUDE als Annotationsumgebung, sowie erste Einblicke in die als nächstes online gehende Text-Mining-Umgebung vermitteln. Zeitgleich dient es als letzte Präsenzveranstaltung des Seminars "Weltliteratur im Zitat" zum Vergleich der durch die teilnehmenden Studenten ermittelten Ergebnisse.

Dr. Yana Breindl “Internet Content Regulation in Liberal Democracies”

, 12:15 pm to

Dr. Yana Breindl (Institut für Politikwissenschaft/GCDH) wird im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung "Internet & Gesellschaft" einen Vortrag zum Thema “Internet Content Regulation in Liberal Democracies” halten.

Datum: Montag, 25.02.2013
Uhrzeit: 12:15 - 13.45 Uhr
Ort: Oeconomicum 0.211

Atlas.ti Conference


Dr. Susanne Friese, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, arranges a conference on her special subject, the software system ATLAS.ti, which is useful in qualitative research and qualitative data analysis.

The Conference will take place from 12 - 14 Sept 2013 in Berlin.

More information on the Sessions, the Conference Schedule and Registration can be found on the conference website.

Submissions for articles, posters and suggestions for roundtable and workshop topics are requested by 15 June.

Digital Text Analysis Working Group

, 11:00 am to

Matthew Munson, "Tracking Semantic Drift in the Biblical Corpus"

Heyne Haus, Seminarraum 1

Speech Recognition and Topic Modeling have long used co-occurrence patterns of linguistic tokens to, respectively, correctly recognize indistinct input or to group tokens semantically. In this presentation, I will discuss my research in using analysis of co-occurrence patterns to track semantic drift between the Greek Old Testament (the Septuagint) and the Greek New Testament.

Presentation: PPTPDF

Prof. Christoph Bieber “Flüssig und/oder stabil? Zur Rolle der Online- Kommunikation für die Organisationsstruktur der Piratenpartei”

, 12:15 pm to

Prof. Christoph Bieber (NRW School of Governance, Universität Duisburg-Essen) wird im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung "Internet & Gesellschaft" einen Vortrag zum Thema “Flüssig und/oder stabil? Zur Rolle der Online-Kommunikation für die Organisationsstruktur der Piratenpartei” halten.

In den Landtagswahlen 2012 hat die Piratenpartei ebenso große wie überraschende Erfolge gefeiert, doch in der zweiten Jahreshälfte setzte ein jäher Absturz in den Meinungsumfragen ein - dadurch wurde der Blick verstellt auf die interne Entwicklung der Piraten. Inwiefern unterscheidet sich die Parteiorganisation
von der etablierten Konkurrenz? Mit welchen Techniken, Plattformen und Verfahren kommunizieren die Piraten untereinander und wie setzen sie Online-Kommunikation zur Programmdiskussion, der Entscheidungsvorbereitung und -findung ein? Gelingt mit Wikis, Mumble-Chats, Online-Umfragen oder der Deliberationsplattform "Liquid Feedback" eine substanzielle Modernisierung der Parteienkommunikation und -organisation?
Der Vortrag stellt ausgewählte Verfahren und Arbeitsplattformen der Piratenpartei vor und diskutiert die besondere Bedeutung digitaler Kommunikationsprozesse für die Organisationsentwicklung.


Datum: Montag, 28.01.2013
Uhrzeit: 12:15 - 13.45 Uhr
Ort: Oeconomicum 0.211

Prof. Abdelhadi Soudi: Standard Arabic-to-Moroccan Sign Language Machine Translation

, 2:00 pm to

DiTAWG: Digital Text Analysis Working Group

In this presentation, Prof. Abdelhadi Soudi will describe some challenges in an ongoing project on Standard Arabic (SA)-to-Moroccan Sign Language (MSL) machine translation. In Arabic, word structure is not built linearly as is the case in concatenative morphological systems, which results in a large space of of morphological variation. The language has a large degree of ambiguity in word senses, and further ambiguity attributable to a writing system that omits diacritics. (e.g. short vowels, consonant doubling, inflection marks). The lack of diacritics coupled with word order flexibility are causes of ambiguity in the syntactic structure of Arabic. The problem is compounded when translating into a visual/gestural language that has far fewer signs than words of the source language.

In this presentation, he will show the architecture of the system and provide a demo of several input examples with different levels of complexity. The Moroccan Sign Language database has currently 2000 Graphic signs and their corresponding video clips. The database extension is an ongoing process task that is done in collaboration with MSL interpreters, deaf signers and educators in Deaf schools in different regions in Morocco.

Digital Text Analysis Working Group: Dr. Kepa Rodriguez, Design and prototype of a Help Desk System for EHRI: an Information Retrieval approach

, 2:00 pm to


User surveys of researchers and archivists realized at the EHRI project show that historians often find a significant amount of their archival sources not through finding aids, catalogs and research guides (online or not) but by talking directly to archivists.

In the case of very dispersed archival sources, an additional problem for researchers is to find the archival institution that can help them find useful material. That motivated the EHRI project to integrate an automatic helpdesk in the portal as a partial solution for this problem. This helpdesk should be able to interpret the user needs and compute the relevance of institutions to give help.

The talk will focus on the design process of the helpdesk. Some mathematical concepts, such as vector space or use of ranking functions will be introduced, making the content and discussion accessible for people without a technical background.

Slides: PDF

Dr. Jan-Hinrik Schmidt “Das Internet und der neue Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit”

, 12:15 pm to

Dr. Jan-Hinrik Schmidt wird im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung "Internet & Gesellschaft" einen Vortrag zum Thema "Das Internet und der neue Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit" halten.

Digitale interaktive Medien, insbesondere die "sozialen Medien" wie Facebook, Twitter oder Blogs verändern unser Verständnis von Öffentlichkeit in vielfacher Hinsicht: Das Entstehen persönlicher Öffentlichkeiten, die Konvergenz von Konversation und Publizieren, und Verheißungen von gesteigerter Teilhabe bei gleichzeitig erhöhter Kontrolle und Einhegung der Nutzung sind nur einige der Entwicklungen, die durch den gegenwärtigen Medienwandel relevant werden. Der Vortrag analysiert und diskutiert diese Entwicklungen aus kommunikationssoziologischer Perspektive und erläutert, welche individuellen Praktiken in den neuen kommunikativen Räumen vorherrschen und welche Konsequenzen sie auf Meso- und Makro-Ebene nach sich ziehen.

Datum: Dienstag, 22. Januar 2013
Uhrzeit: 12:15 - 13.45 Uhr
Ort: Oeconomicum 0.211

Herrenhausen Conference: "(Digital) Humanities Revisited – Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Age"


In times of digitization, internet, and mobile communication, the humanities can build on new, empirically driven methods to gain new insights. But what are the implications of this mode of knowledge production for the various disciplines subsumed under the term humanities, their methods and research objects, and for the role the humanities should and could play in society.

This triad will be the focus of our Herrenhausen Conference "(Digital) Humanities Revisited – Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Age". Together with experts from the various fields of the humanities, the conference would like to facilitate a dialogue between protagonists who embrace digital tools and those following and sustaining more traditional approaches.

The conference will take place on 5-7 December 2013 in Hanover, Germany. For further information, please visit the conference website

Prof. Gerhard Lauer: "Am Ende das Buch? Lesen im digitalen Zeitalter"

, 8:00 pm to

Stirbt das Buch? Kein Zweifel, dass die digitale Welt unser Lesen verändert. Nur wie tut sie das? Stimmt es, dass der Computer und das Internet zu einem Verfall des Lesens und dem Verschwinden der Bücher führen? Andere sagen, unsere Kinder werden vor dem Computer unvermeidlich dick und dumm. Der Vortrag zeigt, dass dieser Eindruck täuscht. Es wird viel gelesen, ja mehr gelesen und viel Verschiedenes gelesen und geschrieben. Der Vortrag analysiert, wie sich die modernen Weisen zu lesen im digitalen Zeitalter vervielfältigen und warum wir dennoch glauben, Lesen und Buch seien an ihr Ende gekommen.

Dieser Vortrag findet im Rahmen der Kinder-Uni Göttingen, Kinder-Uni für Erwachsene, in der Aula am Wilhelmsplatz statt. Die Veranstaltung beginnt um 20.00 Uhr.

Digital Text Analysis Working Group: Matt Munson, "Automatically Detecting Semantic Drift using Collocation Analysis"

, 2:00 pm to


If it is true, as J.R. Firth famously said, "You shall know a word by the company it keeps!," then it should be possible to track historical changes in word meaning by tracking changes in the "company the word keeps," i.e., its significant collocates. In this talk, I will present my research into tracking semantic drift in Greek words between the Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Old Testament) and the Greek New Testament. I expect that by tracking changes in word meaning as revealed in changing collocation fields I should be able to pinpoint words whose change in meaning allowed the New Testament writers to achieve the theological developments that we see from the Old Testament to the New. The talk will focus mainly on the analytical methods chosen and some very preliminary results.

Slides: PPT, PDF

Stylometry with R


Jan Rybicki (Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland) and Maciej Eder (Pedagogical University of Kraków, Poland) will give a three-day workshop on how to use stylometric analysis for more than just authorship attribution.

September 23-25, 2013 at the Goettingen Centre for Digital Humanities, Goettingen, Germany.

Stylometry, or the study of measurable features of (literary) style, such as sentence length, vocabulary richness and various frequencies (of words, word lengths, word forms, etc.), has been practised since at least the middle of the 19th century, and has found numerous practical applications not only in authorship attribution research but also in other research areas. Patterns of stylometric similarity and difference also provide new insights into relationships between different books by the same author, between books by different authors, between authors differing in terms of chronology or gender, or between translations of the same author or group of authors. All of this helps, in turn, to find new ways of looking at works that seem to have been studied from all possible perspectives.

Stylometry belongs to the field of quantitative text analysis, which has been identified by the EADH (formerly the ALLC) as one of a number of key digital methods and is seen as an important component in the establishment of Digital Humanities (DH) at the Georg-August-University Göttingen. The Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities (GCDH), operational at the University since 2011, has already made significant progress in this regard and is now looking to improve the local DH capabilities by organising workshops focusing on key areas with the help of external experts. The “Stylometry and R” workshop would make a vital contribution to this endeavour.

The workshop participants will receive a solid grounding in the theory behind, and the algorithms for, stylometric analysis as well as hands-on, practical work with real data sets. Each participant will apply the workshop’s techniques to collections of texts within their own discipline and thus emerge from the workshop with a better understanding of their own data and concrete ideas on how to further apply stylometric, and more general linguistic, analytical methods within their field of expertise. They should also be able to edit existing R scripts, customizing them to their own specific needs.

This three-day workshop, led by Maciej Eder and Jan Rybicki, is a theoretical and practical introduction to stylometric analysis in the R statistical programming environment, using the collection of Eder’s and Rybicki’s R scripts, which perform multivariate analyses of the frequencies of the most frequent words, the most frequent word n-grams, and the most frequent letter n-grams. The scripts perform a range of supervised and unsupervised textual analyses and will, therefore, give the participants with an excellent overview of analytical methods and a suite of easy-to-use tools to apply them in their own research.

The workshop’s first day will be spent learning what R can do with texts and why this is important. The second and third days will be spent using R to analyze texts, both those provided by the instructors and those brought by the participants. The participants will be working with R on their own computers at all stages of the workshop.


If you are interested in taking part in this workshop or have any questions, please email Matthew Munson at ed.hdcg@nosnumm. There is no fee for participation in this workshop.





, 12:00 pm to , 5:00 pm

A three day event in Kraków where the latest advances in Stylometric analysis will be presented and discussed.

Berenike Herrmann and Matthew Munson from Göttingen will be presenting their research in Kraków.

Dr. Christof Schöch: "Cross-Genre Text Classification"

, 2:00 pm to

The Digital Text Analysis Working Group invites you to a talk "Cross-Genre Text Classification" given by Dr. Christof Schöch, researcher at the Chair for Digital Philology of the University of Würzburg.

The event will take place at the GCDH, Heyne-Haus, Papendiek 16.


This presentation will be concerned with stylometric classification applied to French seventeenth-century plays. It reports on ongoing investigations into parameter setting and its impact on classification of such texts by author, genre, or form, using Eder & Rybicki's stylometric scripts for R. Based on an investigation into the Corneille-Molière controversy, several methodological issues standing in the way of reliable results have been identified. One issue concerns the degree to which such authorship classification tasks are influenced by genre (here, comedy or tragedy) and form (here, verse or prose). Investigation of this issue shows that input parameters have indeed effects on the relative influence of authorship, genre and form in the classification of plays.

Prof. Hugh Craig, "Middle-distance Reading with Information-theory Metrics"

, 6:00 pm to

Prof. Hugh Craig, from the University of Newcastle in Australia, will give a talk in conjunction with the "Stylometry with R" workshop in Seminarraum 1 in the Heyne Haus.

"A gulf has opened up between the mainstream methods of literary studies -- involving a mixture of a more or less close reading of a limited group of whole works, together with reading or scanning shorter samples, and consulting other scholars' commentaries -- and distant reading, which uses quantitative textual or bibliometric data, where there is in effect no limit to the works included, and where in principle projects may be completed without any reading at all. In this paper I offer an example of a middle way in which some distant reading methods are used, but where the corpus focuses on a specific form and period, and where the smaller scale provides the opportunity to compare the statistical results with existing commentary, and with fresh readings of the texts or parts of them, directed by the patterns that are highlighted by the tests."

Full Abstract