PALimpsestorum Aetatis Mediae EDitiones Et Studia
Digital edition of the palimpsest manuscripts Cod. Hierosolymitanus Sancti Sepulcri 36 and Cod. Parisinus Graecus 1330
The PALAMEDES Project aims to create a critical edition of two important mediaeval manuscripts featuring newly discovered and unexplored Greek texts: new fragments by Euripides and an unknown ancient commentary on Aristotle. Both texts, being overwritten when the parchment pages were reused (palimpsest), will be made readable using cutting-edge technology.
PALAMEDES, which is funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, is a collaboration between the universities of Göttingen and Bologna, as well as the Cultural Foundation of the National Bank of Greece (Μορφωτικο Ιδρυμα Εθνικης Τραπεζης) in Athens. Other partners include the Greek Orthodox Patriachate of Jerusalem and the Biblothèque nationale de France. In Göttingen, the project is associated with the Centrum Orbis Orientalis et Occidentalis (CORO) and the Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities (GCDH).
Read more on the PALAMEDES Project website