The grand vision for the Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH, http://www.dariah.eu/) is to facilitate long-term access to, and use of, all European Arts and Humanities (A+H) digital research data. POSTER The DARIAH infrastructure will be a connected network of people, information, tools, and methodologies for investigating, exploring and supporting work across the broad spectrum of the digital humanities.
Researchers will use DARIAH to:
- find and use a wide range of research data from across Europe
- exchange knowledge, expertise, methodologies, and practices across domains and disciplines
- ensure that they work to accepted standards and follow best practice
- experiment and innovate in collaboration with other scholars
The core strategy of DARIAH is to bring together national, regional, and local endeavours to form a cooperative infrastructure where complementarities and new challenges are clearly identified and acted upon. The GCDH carries the German part of the DARIAH-EU Coordination Office (DCO). The DCO is a virtual organisation, based in three countries: France with the main responsibility of all budgetary and legal coordination, Germany with the focus on the overall coordination and communication and The Netherlands focussing on coordinating DARIAH-EU’s Virtual Competency Centres (VCCs). DARIAH-DE (http://de.dariah.eu/) is the German contribution to DARIAH-EU, funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research. The GCDH participates in Work Package 2, Research and Teaching, where it is coordinating the design of a blueprint for the development of a Virtual Research Environment for the Arts and Humanities. POSTER