2013 DARIAH-DE International Digital Humanities Summer School
A one-week crash course in using the scripting language Python and its Natural Language Toolkit to perform in-depth computational analysis of digital texts.
Application Deadline June 14, 2013
The first DARIAH-DE International DH Summer School will be hosted by the Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities in Göttingen from August 19-23, 2013. The week-long summer school will focus on digital textual analysis with the Python programming language. The instructors will be Mike Kestemont from the University of Antwerp and Lars Wieneke from the CVCE. A short summary plan for the summer school can be found here. The summer school is aimed primarily at Ph.D. and post-doctoral researchers and others with advanced knowledge of humanities research. The language of instruction and discussion will be English.
If you are interested in applying for the summer school, please send the following 3 documents to mmunson[at]gcdh.de before the application deadline of June 14, 2013:
- If you are a student, a very short statement from your advisor stating that the summer school will help you in your research.
- Your CV, in English.
- A half-page statement stating what you hope to gain from the summer school and how you expect what you learn in the summer school to help you in your research.
There are also a limited number of small stipends to cover hotel costs that will be made available to participants who are Ph.D. or Masters students. If you would like to apply for one of these, please indicate that when you send in your other materials. We will inform those have been awarded these stipends after the decisions have been made.
Information about hotel accomodations will be made available in the coming weeks.
If you have any questions about the summer school, feel free to contact Matthew Munson at mmunson[at]gcdh.de.