Prof. Mark J. McCabe “Self-Selection and the Open Access Citation Debate”
Prof. Mark J. McCabe wird im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung "Internet & Gesellschaft" einen Vortrag zum Thema "Self-Selection and the Open Access Citation Debate" halten.
Datum: Montag, 03.12.2012
Uhrzeit: 12:15 - 13.45 Uhr
Ort: Oeconomicum 0.211
During the past decade a steady stream of empirical studies analyzing the impact of open access on journal citations have reported a substantial OA citation advantage. At the same time, other papers have appeared that contradict these findings. Indeed, they find no evidence to support this claim. Can these contradictory results be reconciled? Using similar data, I am able to replicate the positive results of the most recent "advantage" papers, and then, after correcting for "self-selection bias," address the following related questions:
(1) Are there any citation benefits associated with OA or subscription-based online access?,
(2) If so, under what conditions?
(3) And does an OA citation advantage remain?