The Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities is a research oriented unit, that aims to support all kind of activities in the domain of digital humanities, humanities computing, computational linguistics and related fields. Services can be provided by the means of available resources to do so. Together with other, broader oriented units like the eReseach Alliance (eRA) and the Humanities Data Centre (HDC) or the gwdg we strive to help individual researchers and projects with applications for funding of projects in these domains. On an institutional level the GCDH also supports the digitization of long term research projects at the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities (ADWG).

Consulting & Training
At the GCDH we have the know-how and experience in Digital Humanities research and project work. We´re happy to help with project planning, proposals, and implementation in Digital Humanities projects or projects with a Digital Humanities aspect. Futhermore we provide basic training in Digital Humanities and organize special courses in various domains. Please contact us at infogcdhde

Research that makes use of digital technologies and methods is at the heart of the GCDH. In addition of the projects we are undertaking and collaborating with, we also organise workshops, summer schools, and evening lectures to foster the inter-disciplinary dialogue at the Göttingen Campus.

The GCDH has the task to coordinate activities in the area of Digital Humanities at the Göttingen Campus. If you are teaching, researching, or organising any event in that area, please do contact us at infogcdhde. We can help you by networking and publicising such activities.